Hello Friends, in this blog we talk about backlinks and I will tell you how to index your backlinks easily. So lets began.

What are backlinks?

First, we start people who don't know I will tell them that backlinks are links use to rank your blog post in all search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Its type of URL that increases your website ranking in Google and other search engines. For example, your website is basically on digital marketing and you want to rank your website on that same keyword digital marketing so you have to need backlinks to rank on the first number on google.

Types of backlinks 

Two types of backlinks  
  1. Do Follow Backlinks 
  2. No, Follow Backlinks                                        

What is Do Follow and No Follow Backlinks?

First, I talk about do follow backlinks do follow links are those links who indexing on google when Google crawl site if he finds do follow backlinks he will check your site also and you have to change the increasing website ranking. And in no follow backlinks links google not indexing your website.

These days very difficult to indexing your 1000 of backlinks on different websites so you need one tool that easily checks your backlinks status and you will easily index all your backlinks.

"Make Your Backlinks 100x More Powerful & Rank Higher in Google"

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